Is SHIB a Better Meme Than DOGE?
Ah, the rise of yet another Dog token. Shib (also known as Shiba Inu and Shiba Token) is the self-proclaimed Dogecoin killer, and has seen a meteoric rise over the last months. But is Shib a better Meme than Doge? Here this question and others will be examined.
Does Shib have value? — Probably Not
Is Shib really worth a $20+ Billion Market Cap? — Almost certainly not
Is Shib decentralized? — It doesn’t appear to be
Is Shib a rugpull? — No doubt
Does Shib contribute to the greater economy? — in no way shape or form
Is Shib a better meme than Doge? — almost definitely
Take one look at the coinmarketcap description for Shiba Inu (Shib) and you will quickly see that this is the case.
That’s right — Once upon a time, there was a very special dog. That dog was a shiba inu, and this dog inspired millions of people around the world to invest money into tokens with the dog’s image on it.
There is a bunch of gold in this description including
The SHIBA INU WoofPaper has three reasons why their team created SHIB:
“We started from zero, with zero.”
“The brilliant minds behind Shib had never collaborated before.”
“We love Shiba Inu Dogs.”
The SHIBA INU website invites dog-inspired artists from all over the world to foster the “artistic Shiba movement” as they bring their SHIBA INU community into the NFT market.
The SHIBA INU website notes that they locked 50% of the total token supply on Uniswap, and “threw away the keys!” The remaining 50% was “burned to Vitalik Buterin.”
Wait, shouldn’t that mean there is 0 supply? Where are the tokens that are being traded now coming then?
There are several other tokens described on the SHIBA INU website — LEASH, which has “been unleashed and will not rebase,” and BONE, the “Dogecoin Killer.”
The WoofPaper notes that you will use SHIB to DIG for BONES or ShibaSwap, or even BURY your tokens. “Trainers” can teach their Shibas to SWAP tokens as well — all of these actions create “Returns” that are put into the Puppy Pools, where the #SHIBARMY has the option of BURYING or DIGGING for BONES.
The Shibaswap website similarly plays on the token names in a fun meme type way
Doge by comparison has no good quotes like this. Doge also has a whitepaper, Shib does not, Shib has a ‘Woof Paper’. This should tell you everything about if Shib is a better meme than Doge.
Shib is quite the interesting phenomenon on the internet. Created by ‘Ryoshi’ Shib is clearly riding on the premise of Bitcoin where for true decentralization there can not be a clear founder. But if this ecosystem is truly decentralized how are the creators of it able to release so many changes so quickly. The protocol seems to be updated and changed on a regular basis. The concept of Burns comes up in the community and the Shib team just starts trying to implement it right into the core Shib protocol. There doesn’t appear to be any sort of way for a layman to view the source or get involved in the development of Shib, that seems to be the sole job of the original Shib devs. Is that decentralization?
With this being said, we can’t deny, Shib is a great meme. It is certainly a better meme than Doge and if we as a free market decide the meme value of Doge is $30 Billion, well, Shib should probably be ahead of that.
It is interesting to see the free market put so much value on memes. It seems that the creators of Shib have created a vibrant community where everyone is ‘Going to be driving in a lambo’ or ‘partying on their yacht with models’. They have attracted a young crowd with a high risk tolerance, who all seem to live by the r/wallstreetbets mentality.
You can read more about shib on Coinmarketcap and the Shibatoken website
As a final word. It is hoped that the price of Shib continues to rise after this article is published. That would be the most ironic thing that could happen, and the internet loves irony.